The Cumberland Valley Area Development District participates in 3 areas in Transportation.  They include Regional Transportation Planning, Highway Safety, and Section 5304 Public Transportation Program.  More information on each is available by clicking on the program.

Regional Transportation Planning
The purpose of the Regional Transportation Program is to define the regional transportation activities to be conducted by the Cumberland Valley Area Development District (CVADD) in support of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC).  The program provides coordination of the public review and input process for regional transportation planning, which is later incorporated into the KYTC Statewide Plan.  This process was established to identify, evaluate, and prioritize transportation needs for possible implementation in the future.  The CVADD also has a Regional Transportation Committee that meets a minimum of 3 times a year to discuss transportation issues within the 8 county area.

Highway Safety
The Highway Safety Coordinator works in partnership and as an extension of the Division of Highway Safety programs through the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet in efforts to reduce traffic collisions, fatalities, injuries, and economic losses relating to traffic collisions through the four “E’s” of transportation Safety: Engineering, Enforcement, Education, and Emergency Response.  The Highway Safety Coordinator is also a certified Child Passenger Seat Technician.

Section 5304 Public Transportation Program   
Through the Section 5304 Public Transportation Program, CVADD staff provides technical assistance to area public transportation providers.  This effort includes providing assistance in obtaining financial aid, communicating new policies, procedures, and legislative requirements to providers, and coordination between agencies when necessary.

Title VI Information
Title VI and Environmental Justice in the transportation planning process stem from Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (42 U.S.C. 2000d-1), the President's Executive Order on Environmental Justice, the related US DOT Order, and the FHWA Order.  Title VI states that "No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." Title VI bars intentional discrimination as well as disparate impact discrimination (i.e., a neutral policy or practice that has a disparate impact on protected groups).  Click on the title for more information.

The Cumberland Valley Area Development District staff provides technical assistance to communities with planning for bicycle and pedestrian facilities.  Maps are available to utilize in planning efforts.  Click the title to view current plans as they are completed.

Updated 1/1/2022